Friday, December 14, 2012

So long AP Psychology!

Psychology? Ms.Halfen? Well first off, Last year when I was a sophomore people would not shut up about AP psych with ms.halfen. So of course i had to see what all the fuss was about and so here i am writing this blog post in AP psych. Did this class live up to my expectations? WELL.........let's see.

What did i like about this class?
The best part was probably all the movie/tv clips we watch during class. Also, Ms.halfen, you've got a great sense of humor. I liked doing the blog (sometimes). I LOVED all the extra credit and bonus points. That was the best.

What was your favorite activity or project?
rshgksdfhgkghkjjsfjh Well most people woould probably write the playdough brain thing, but i didn't think thatwas awesome or anything. It was ok. I think the thing with the goggles was really fun though.

What did i not like about this class?
Here it goes. I didn't like all endless powerpoints and taking notes until my hand muscles collapsed in pain. Seriously. Too many notes. My advise to future AP psych students is to not take notes. Just listen and look.
The tests were sometimes a little too hard. Like the one with the defense mechanisms? What was up with that?!

What do i think you should leave out next year?
I don't really care what you leave out since i won't be in the class. So keep everything so it's not any easier for other people who take the class.


So this class didn't really live up to all my expectations. I mean last year people were like ER MY GAWD AP PSYCH IS SO FUN YOU SHOULD TAKE IT OMG TAKE IT OR DIE but
I mean i would recommend the class but i wouldn't make it seem like the best class ever. And it's not because of you ms.halfen! Okay bye! so long! Fare well! (good riddance?) lol jk. Seriously i'm kidding.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Hello. It's 8:17 p.m. Sunday night. I have a massive headache right now. I didn't know we had to finish this by noon! really ok the one time i haven't finished my post ok fine. fine.
I'm not actually that angry.

Later Thinking Puzzle IQ test
I'm looking at my results and i got the first three right by chance!!!!!! I got 5/10 right which i am pretty freaking content with because those questions were ridiculously hard! And with this headache. wow. 
I just realized ms. halfen asked for a lot of things for this week's post. I don't know about the Lumosity thing. With this headache?? 
I will shut up about the headache NEVER
jk, when it goes away I'll shut up. Sorry to those people who are reading this just to look for something to quickly comment on and then leave this sorry excuse for a blog post. [did I say that right?] And sorry ms. halfen.

I wen to BrainBashers and played the game where i help santa sort the presents and of course i got addicted and then the low battery thing popped up and i was like well, i guess it's time to close up my blog post.
So that's all i've got for you guys this week! I'm really sorry about this. really. I'll make up for it next week. [maybe] Here, watch this video it might make you laugh. and it kinda has to do with psychology (probably not)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

GOOGLE! Week 4!

To figure out what to write about I went to google and typed "is" and then a letter. Then I let google instant fill in the rest. What comes up are the most searched. Like this:

 It's so much fun! The things that come up are ridiculous!! I'll answer these:
1. Yes 
2. Who cares?
3. No
4. Obviously not.
So i found my topic with the letter "g" This is what came up:
Hmm, is George Jones dead? So I looked up who George Jones is and I don't think he's dead. And everyone should know George Clooney is not gay. And then is google making us stupid? HA! Well, I thought that was interesting and so i searched it. (btw idk if gluten is bad for you bc i eat anything i want for those of you who were wondering) I found this article. It was very interesting and I think majority of us can relate to it!
Information is so easy to access these days that we don't even have to use our brains much. We just google everything. Don't know what to write? Google it! Don't know where to live? Google it! Don't know how to drive? Google it! Don't know how to take screenshot on mac? Google it! (I did this one for the above pictures.) Admit it guys, it's a problem. But nobody is willing to fix it. Life is easier with the internet. It's always faithful. So anyways apparently our dependency on the internet is leading to lack of concentration. So yes, google is making us stupid. Blah. Ok read the article! I don't feel like writing if you haven't noticed. More google questions! (because those are fun) (i just realized that this post is an example of how google is making is stupid) sigh. Oh well. 
 No, youtube is not down. Is y a vowel? Sometimes? (i just realized i don't know when) Is yawning contagious?!?!??! What! The first article to come up says it definitely is. It can be almost impossible not to yawn after watching someone else do it. WHAT! Is yahoo mail down? I wouldn't know. I abandoned my Yahoo for gmail. (google ftw!)
Okay bye. Sorry that this post is poorly written!